The company is at the forefront for having developed mFlamingo - online device capability mapping. mFlamingo allows their customers to interact with products in market and online also.
It includes:
• Supporting all Device management and operators.
• Supporting the Brand owners.
• Simplifying support for billions of connected devices
It is the opening up of new possibilities for all kinds of experiences – including WAP access. It provides Authentication of Data & Updated list of handsets devices on the planet. It is a fully redundant, globally accessible web services with updated list of models.
Law Enforcement :
MSAI support all the law enforcement and security agencies of the country by providing them the technical support with respect to validation and verification of Mobile devices. MSAI also provide sealed reports against the seized mobile handset and devices.
Regulatory Agencies :
MSAI support all the Regulatory bodies of the country by providing them the technical support with respect to Mobile handsets along with the other GSM devices.
Customs and Security Agencies :
MSAI supports all the customs ports of the country by organize the training and Knowledge sharing workshops on validation and verification of Mobile handsets along with the GSM devices detection intelligence.